OK, our illustrious founder/editor Nick is trying to figure out a way to make this site his full time desk job. But he needs your help.
Does anyone have any advice about things they'd like to see on the site? Preferably lucrative things? Keep in mind, loyal readers, that if you come up with good stuff this site could be updated extensively on a daily basis and in time might be able to ::pay:: writers. So - here's what's already in the works:
a literature section a staticandfeedback store more interviews
In the store, we already have t-shirts in the works. What else are people interested in? We know you guys are brilliant, so help us figure something out...
Well the girls would turn the color of the avocado when he would drive down their street in his El Dorado... Pablo Picasso never got called an asshole. Not like you.
In the store we could sell compilation discs of music us or our friends have recorded
Perhaps add a TV section as well.
The site would need to be updated more frequently than it is now for it to be lucrative, though that wouldn't be a problem if it's a full time thing. As far as pulling in money, I'm guessing most of it would be through banner ads. And, as sad as it may sound, creating a Myspace for the page would generate a lot of hits.
The problem you may encounter is that going to concerts and movies, buying CD and books, they all cost money. If you know a way to get press credentials or free/advanced copies, you may be able to get a lot more done.
Integrated web media is lucrative... if you have the Hodgesian business sense and the site-development cojones to do it. Hook up with concert ticket companies so people reading a interview of Some Frontman And The Such-And-Such Band can see their tour schedule alongside the article and be two clicks away from purchasing a ticket. Get in touch with Frontman's record label, and you can pimp their records the exact same way.
Don't just point your users over to a band's MySpace. MySpace is the middleman. Do the Heisman on that ho.