Does anyone else think that someone should go out and make a movie with Lindsay Lohan in which she is killed slash murdered? I think any film where Lohan bites the dust will be an instant success because probably something like 75% of people want to see this girl struggle to breathe. I know it sounds cruel, but its possibly one of the few ideas producers haven't thought to do with lindsay lohan...and Herbie Fully Loaded is pretty much proof of that. If anyone thinks this is a bad idea please say why, or if you have another celebrity who should meet a gruesome end (Dave Coulier) I'd like to hear about it.
I agree. But I think that she should have her shirt torn off BEFORE she dies. That way we'll watch her heaving bosoms pump up and down with the last few breaths she draws. Actually... what if we had her die in some bizarre trampoline accident?! That way they could keep bouncing afterwards too...
Well the girls would turn the color of the avocado when he would drive down their street in his El Dorado... Pablo Picasso never got called an asshole. Not like you.
Rachel Has it right. They'll rip her shirt off and it'll make her more of a star. I would, however, love to see her slashed. Along with Nicole Richie, K-Fed, pink velor jumpsuits, and anyone who wins American Idol. Although.... if these people die, what am I going to read about during work? Nevermind I guess. Except the part about the pink velor jumpsuits and American Idol winners, they can go.
First of all let me clarify a few things for everyone. First off Nick, we all know that either Jimmy Fallon or his career will be systematically executed b/c of the movie Taxi, so don't worry his time will come. BeastnDragon you asking to part the Seas on that one. I think we should all be happy for one or the other. Best case scenario some one slits her throat then after she is dead pokes her in the boob with their knife...and it deflates, so we will all know the truth. Finally you mr or mrs. blackstar, if that is your made up name...I'm not a girl. I am very much a man, the name is Rachel's bitch, but apostrophes and spaces weren't allow. I was forced to make this account, practically at knife point, hence im the bitch. And though I agree with your view on those who wear pink velor jump suits, I must disagree with the American Idol winners comment. Kill them if you must, but spare Kelly Clarkson, not for her "musical" abilities, but simply b/c she has a shape that is pleasing on the eyes. Though you will be allowed to punch her in the vagina for the movie From Justin to Kelly.